Bacon Fest
Join us for an amazing day of BACON!
To enter the bacon recipe contest or the bacon eating competition, please fill out the form using the link below.
For more details…keep scrolling!
PLEASE NOTE: To be officially entered in the contest(s), you MUST pay the $10 entry fee, in advance.
Please Venmo @SFRDollz or use the link below to pay through PayPal

This bacon-tastic event will include our famous bacon recipe contest, the ever popular bacon eating contest, and an oinking contest for those with the talent!
History of Bacon Fest: It is up for debate as to the origin of Bacon Fest. It is believed to have all started on a drive home from a bout (most likely after playing Arch Rivals) and discussing fundraising ideas and the conversation was on how we should do something with bacon since we all love bacon so much!!!! I mean that was apparent since we might have eaten all the hotel’s bacon at the “complimentary buffet” just earlier that morning.
However it started, we will forever be grateful that bacon exists.
Bacon Fest Recipe Contest Info:
All contestants will need to prepare approximately 200 small samples (1oz.) of their recipe for tasting. Contestants will be judged by a group of celebrity judges and by bacon fest pork passport holders. Participants are responsible for the preparing and maintaining their dish, meaning if additional equipment (hot plate, warmer, extension cords, etc.) is needed, the participant is responsible for bringing what is needed. Sampling cups, napkins, utensils, etc. will be provided by the Roller Dollz.
There is a $10 entry fee for each individual or team that enters Bacon Fest. Your entry fee will reserve a banquet table booth at the event and provide each individual or team with 1 lb. of bacon and a pork passport. Deadline to enter is Wednesday, April 10th. Recipe name is required at the time of registration. Note, all dishes must have bacon or a bacon-like substitute as the featured ingredient in your recipe; turkey bacon or tufu bacon is permitted in the contest, but….we know the difference 😉
Contest winners will be announced directly following the recipe contest and prizes and trophies distributed.
Bacon Fest Bacon Eating Contest Info:
Contestants must pay the $10 entry fee in advance to secure your spot. Eaters must sign a contest release waiver the day of the competition.
Eating Contest Process/Rules:
1.Eaters will be allowed to drink water as needed while competing.
2. Eaters will receive a pre-weighed amount of fried, crispy bacon.
3.Eaters will compete for five minutes.
4.Throwing up will result in disqualification from the contest.
5. Eaters must remain seated upon conclusion until judges release you.
6. Contestants will not be allowed to wear headphones.
7. Upon conclusion each eater’s unfinished plate will be weighed.
8. The eater whose plate had the greatest weight decrease (or finishes first) will be declared the winner. In the event of a tie. A one-minute eat off will be held.
Contest winners will be announced directly following the eating contest and prizes distributed.